Signs They Need Home Care

Aging and planning for in-home care is usually the last thing families want to think about. One way to prepare for a loved one’s or your own home care is by being aware of the signs and symptoms of challenges that come with aging.

Lonely senior man sitting up from bed, gloomy lighting.

Everyday activities that were once routine may be neglected due to poor memory or simply because it’s now too difficult.

Below are the top signs that your loved one(s) require home care.

Forgetfulness / Depleted Memory

Especially at the start, a missed dose of medication or a doctor's appointment may seem innocuous, as everyone slips up occasionally. However, this can have serious consequences when it becomes confusing about which medication was taken, or at all. We can take care of all of this.

Poor Personal Hygiene

Poor hygiene may be very apparent if your loved one is usually meticulous about their appearance. They may start to have untidy hair, unbrushed teeth, unwashed or stained clothes, or body odor. These are warning sings that personal care has become a challenge without assistance.

Improper Nutrition

Meal planning and grocery shopping can be daunting for anyone. For seniors, it can be a real struggle. It's very common to find expired food and produce in their refrigerator, which can be unsafe to eat. Lack of proper nutrition and hydration has negative physical and mental repercussions.

Practically Family Home Care will monitor their fridge, as well as doing the shopping and cooking.

Depression and Isolation

If you’ve noticed your loved one seems irritable or their sleep patterns have changed drastically, it may mean that they are experiencing loneliness. Our professional caregivers provide companionship and social interaction with a visit they can look forward to.

Inability to Drive Safely

A driver's license is a significant rite of passage to adulthood and freedom. Your senior will likely not want to give up their car keys for safety if you asked them. Our caregivers will gladly drive our clients to where they need to go. This includes shopping, errands, and doctor's appointments.

Unsteady Mobility

Three million older adults are hospitalized each year as a result of falling, most resulting in hip fractures or brain injuries. PFHC will assess their home and spot unsafe areas, such as poor lighting, scattered rugs, walkways with clutter, electrical cords, or other hazards that increase risk of falling.

Poor Housekeeping

As our seniors age, eyesight worsens, which prevents them noticing unclean dishes and surfaces, piled-up clothes and trash, neglected showers and toilets, or unwashed and unmade bedding. If you notice this, they may be struggling to do work around the house. Our caregivers do this for them.

Get Help Now!

If you notice any of these signs, it is highly recommended that you work with a home care provider, such as Practically Family Home Care in Massachusetts. To book a consultation, simply call us at (978) 254-1536 or use our Contact Form.